Sunday, 13 January 2013

Girly Graphics
Despite being in their twenties, Sonny and Girly act like prepubescent children, dressing in English school uniforms and sleeping in giant cribs in a room full of toys. The family's lives are built around an elaborate role-playing fantasy, called "The Game", which is structured around a set of ill-defined yet strictly enforced rules. Because a rich childhood is incomplete without friends, Sonny and Girly regularly seek out male loners, the homeless, and hippies to lure back to their house (using a scantily clad Girly as lure), where they are then forced to play "The Game". Should the "new friends" refuse, they are "put on trial" and then "sent to the angels"-- a euphemism for being made the victim in snuff films produced by Sonny in which he ritualistically hunts down and murders the men on the manor grounds.
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics
Girly Graphics

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